Sunday, September 21, 2014

Barcelona Cocktail

This most popular specialty cocktail comes from the vibrant city of Barcelona.
The Eclipse Watermelon Martini is smooth on the tongue and light to the head.
The W hotel boosts it has sold 9000 of these in its first year...2009.
The chilled fuchsia drink is ordered by the after work crowd and guest just in from the beach
The vodka, simple syrup, mint and watermelon concoction is as easy to duplicate at home if you are willing to juice a water melon. As a virgin drink, it is also fabulous. A juiced melon gives over a gallon of juice. You can strain it or leave the pulp for added fiber.
1 seedless watermelon, peeled and juiced (only red, inner part needed)

                                         Watermelon Martini
1/4 cup vodka
1 cup watermelon
2 T simple syrup, muddled with 6 mint leaves
1 lime juice
1 cup crushed ice

Put all ingredients in a shaker, shake till outside is frosted
Strain and serve in martini glasses,

Note: For simple syrup. Heat 1 cup water and 1 cup sugar in a sauce pan.
          Stir until dissolve. Cool before using.

Kale, Sautéed,

16 oz. Fresh Kale, large stems removed
1 onion sliced
6 garlic cloves sliced
2 T  Olive oil
3/4 cup chicken stock
2 T red wine vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste

Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat
Add sliced onions and saute 4 minutes stirring
Add garlic and cook for one minute stirring
Add kale and stock, increase heat to high and cook turning for two minutes
Lower heat to medium, cover and cook for five minutes
Remove cover and cook till stock has evaporated
Add vinegar, salt and pepper
Serve with lamb balls

Lamb On A Stick With Kale

It looks like a corn dog because it is on a stick. So how do they do that?
Chef Koslow has other ideas as pointed out in the WSJ this week.
She went old school and molded minced lamb with added Middle East spices: cumin, ginger, coriander, pepper and  wrapped it around a fresh sprig of rosemary and came up with, not a burger, but a kebab. It is smeared in a saute pan, finished in oven and served on  top of creamed corn. My take was on sauteed kale, with lots of garlic and onion. I also grilled my meat! This added a homey feel, same comfort food, quick and easy.

3 garlic cloves, chopped fine
3 T parsley chopped small
2 t ginger grated
2 t toasted cumin seeds, grind fine
2 t toasted coriander seeds, grind fine
2 t paprika
1 T lemon zest
1 t black pepper
1 1/2 pounds ground lamb
8  water soaked  bamboo skewers

Heat grill to medium high
Blend all the ingredients, except skewers, in a bowl
Evenly divide seasoned lamb into 16 pieces, about a golf ball size
Mold 2 lamb balls around a skewer and form oval shape cylinders
Repeat for other balls
Grill, turning until meat no longer pink on inside, about 8 minutes
The lamb can be browned in a skillet pan and finish in a 450 degree oven for 5 minutes