Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Where have I been?

Every where but up! I can't blame it on the new social media wave or work, it was "I."
So what goes on in the food pecking order?
For one thing, think small, especially with deserts.
I am hearing a buzz about fusion foods.
Combining unrelated cuisines that challenge the appetite.
Mexican with Chinese, Asian with Caribbean bring lots of possibilities.
Chickens in the back yard and rooftop gardens tell us we can't make excuses.
At Lakemont"s Wellness Club this month, they served ice pops in a variety of flavors.
A visit to a gadget store I saw a DIY soda maker, makes you in control.
And how about The White House getting school children to eat right.
I"ll call it Choices...sounds like the name of my next joint!

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