Monday, February 16, 2015

Move over spinach...Kale

 I have been cooking with kale more and more. Spinach just withers away in those 10 ozs. bags. It is better for a salads.

16 oz Kale, Fresh, whole bag
1 onion, half mooned
3garlic clovers, smashed
2 T olive oil
1/2 cup chicken or veggie stock
2 T red wine vinegar
Dash of hot sauce
Salt and Pepper to taste

On medium high heat, in 8 quart sauce pan, saute onions for 5 minutes. 
Add garlic, cook until soften about 2 minutes
Add Kale, and stock, mix, turn heat to medium, cover and cook for about 5 minutes.
Uncover and let liquid evaporate.
Add vinegar, hot sauce, salt and pepper.

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