Saturday, December 2, 2017


Sorrel is a year round drink in Trinidad.
It is used for many health aliments: to lower blood pressure.
To simulate the production bile by the liver and in the reduction of elevated cholesterol and triglyceride.
To prevent clogging of the arteries and a weight loss aid when taken daily.
A glass of sorrel a day, will keep the doctor away, because of its powerful antioxidant properties.
High in vitamins and minerals, similar to cranberries and pomegranate juices.
Will detoxify the entire body.

1 # sorrel petals, dried
1 inch piece of ginger, grated
5 T sugarer or to taste
2 litters water
Rum to taste few cloves
1 lemon zest and juice

Bring water to a boil. Turn off heat and add petals, ginger zest  and lemon juice.
Cover and let rest for 24 hours.
Strain through cheese, squeeze. add rum and pour into cleaned bottles. Add 2-3 cloves, seal.

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